Saturday, March 21, 2009

You need a sanctuary

A sanctuary is more than an escape; it's a place of refreshment.

I read that statement recently on the back cover of a new devotional bible I'm reading.
It may not strike you as that much of a big deal, but it did me! I just loved it. You know that I am a bible study (reading the word), nut. The truth is, we really do find refreshment (strength, energy, insight, help), from spending time with God.

Remember that we study the bible to know Christ! The more we know Him, the more real He becomes in our lives. When He becomes our greatest reality, instead of what we see (and sometimes what we can't see like fear), the way we live life is highly impacted!

Things like worry, anguish, despair, narcissism, and anxiety seem to diminish. Wow, that's what I need more of.

How about you?

God invites you into his sanctuary!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

It really is a heart matter

As I have been reading about Mary and Martha, I have come across something interesting. Growing up hearing the story of Mary sitting at Jesus feet and Martha busy in the kitchen, it seemed to always be communicated to me that Martha was the 'bad one' and Mary was the 'good one'. Reading several commentaries on the story found in Luke 10, I found that people interpret it differently.

Your 'grid', how you interpret or 'see' things, is made up by your personal circumstances and environment. Our response to anything is determined by how it fits into our grid.
I don't think any of these commentaries are necessarily wrong, it is just how that writer sees!
That explains much.

What I come away with from the story of Mary sitting and Martha working is this: Martha was doing/serving Christ the way she knew was her responsibility. The problem wasn't in her serving, the problem was in her attitude that she was serving and Mary was not doing it her way! Jesus saw through both their actions and looked at their hearts. I would suggest to you that he would have rebuked Mary just as quickly if he had saw in her heart that she was just sitting there at his feet to 'look religious'! I really do think He would.

Martha was the oldest of the siblings, most likely, and she was the owner of the house, most likely. It would have been her responsibility to take care of the guests in her home. Jesus had rebuked a man earlier in whose home He visited because of the owner's lack of detail in caring for Him. Was it really the lack of detail that Jesus was concerned about? No, it was the man's heart in not realizing his own great need for a Savior (Luke 7). Jesus simply speaks the language we hear! He knows the intentions of the heart-

Hebrews 4:12For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

It really is a heart matter!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

He knew?

Not long ago, I attended a brunch honoring visiting missionaries to my church. I was sitting next to a wonderful older woman who was a fellow member. We were discussing life circumstances and how things seem to just 'work out' and she made the statement, "It's like God knew it was going to happen!" Then as soon as she realized what she had done, she said, "Well, of course He knew".

It was so funny to me because this woman is such a godly woman and she said it so matter of fact, that we were all nodding our heads in agreement without even thinking! As I was driving home, I started laughing out loud. We are influenced by those around us just like anybody else. This lady meant no harm and certainly had a concrete faith that included God as the All Knowing One, but it reminded me not to take any conversation for granted, including my participation in a group of 'sweet christian women' assembled for a good reason.

Ephesians 6:18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

Something to think on!